New York - Brooklyn
My 32 years in East New York was quite an ordeal. I saw and
experienced a great deal.
* a man shot to death right in front of my school during school
* a car being stripped behind the school by two different teams of
car strippers
* drugs being dealt at a house across the street from school &
undercover police using my room as a surveillance spot
* drive by shootings
* a bullet hole in the window and lodged in the wall of my library
* prostitutes plying their trade on the school block
* teachers being led out of our school in handcuffs
* packs of wild dogs chasing after cars
"Situated in Brooklyn's Community School District 19, described as
one of the toughest and poorest areas in New York City.... The
district's crime rate has been described as devastatingly high."
Maureen Wickersham
Newspaper Stories I collected about our students and teachers:
"Indict 5 Teenagers in Killing of 3 Elderly men"
"Nab Suspects in 27 Holdups"
"Youth Slain in IRT Holdup"
"Three Hurt in Battle at Playground"
"School Administrator Attacked by Gang" (Our principal attacked
in the school yard during school hours)
"Schools Are Halls of Fear" (My school led city in attacks on
"Say teacher molested boys" (one of our staff members)
"Brooklyn Teen Slain on Street"
"School sex-abuse probe uncovers city's Dirty LIttle Secret"
(another of our teachers)
"Shots ring out as Mayor speaks" (across the street from our school)
"Streets of Death"
"Zodiac Suspect Nabbed" (one of our former students and I
have his yearbook picture)
"Goodbye, Mr. Chips" (Ex-Guidance Counselor sentenced in poker operation)
From principal's letter to staff after a colleague was almost
arrested by police officers: "I am asking that all faculty members refrain
from going to the store located across from the school. This
is a known drug area and the police are in constant surveillance."
"City Repairing a School It Plans to Tear Down"
Death Wish 3. This movie was partly filmed in East New York in
1985. We saw them filming the movie. There are street
inaccuracies portrayed in the movie. They have the right names
of the streets but they do not intersect as mentioned in the movie.
Riddick "Big Daddy" Bowe, the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the
World was a student in one of the schools where I taught. He did
comeback to the school to visit us. (I have a letter from him that
he sent from prison)
Highlights of My Career
* My students giving with a Teacher of the Year trophy
* My library squad awarding me a plaque
* Winning two New York City championships in track (back to back with 2
different schools)
*Being awarded two coaching plaques
*Being presented with six Teacher of the Year awards in three different
I am very proud that many of my former students went on to become
successful in the careers they pursued.
The Career of
Cybrary Man