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French Flag, Map & Information
France - Rulers of the World
La Marseillaise - Hymne national français
MapMaker France - National Geographic Education
Hello World! Learn French
Une histoire vraie
Years ago on le quatorze Juillet I was riding on the Metro when I was approached by a group of young hooligans who seemed that they were just looking for trouble. They asked me "Êtes-vous français?" I replied: "Mais oui, Je suis français!" They left me and asked another person and he said he was an American. They then kicked him. My high school French saved me!
Le Monde (The newspaper in French)
Le Figaro - Actualités
Radio France Accueil
NewsCentral- France Newspapers
TV5MONDE : Apprendre.TV - FLE - français langue étrangère: apprendre le français avec TV5MONDE
Edutweeteurs francophones Canada
French - LiveBinder
English-French Picture Dictionary
How to Type in French Accents
Free Translation
Universal Currency Converter
French Revolution page
Foreign (World) Languages page
Foreign (World) Languages Pages
AP Dix-Neuf