New Teacher Mavens
@teachwithsoul @dmantz7 @SFecich
suggest that administrators plan sessions with new teachers
given by the teachers in your school (both veterans and other
teachers who only have a few years experience).
I was in charge of the school library I convinced my
principal to allow me to give an orientation to the school
library and school each year.
What helped me become a better
teacher page
The Compelled Educator: Ideas to Support and Celebrate New
Teachers @Jennifer_Hogan
Expect the Unexpected by @cybraryman1 at #ntcamp

New Teacher Camp
Picture of me giving the Opening Address with great
@web20classroom tweeting away in the background
Be firm,
fair, consistent, caring and show your passion for learning.
In one very tough school I taught in I would stand at the front
door of the school and greet each student that came into the
school. I also did this with personal messages for each student
that came into my classroom. In another school I enlisted the
assistant principal and every morning and passing between class
periods we greeted each student that came onto our floor.
Let your students know that they matter.
#YouMatter page
advice is to get in the best physical shape that you can to endure
all of the rigors of teaching.
Top Tips for New Teachers - Crowd Sourced - Google Docs
Teacher Tips page
NQT Advice & Trainee Teacher Jobs
- TES New Teachers
Qualities Do Principals Look for in a New Teacher
TeachersFirst Newbies Ideas and help for new teachers
4 Things That You Should Know About Becoming a Teacher - The
Teacher Training Videos
Smart Classroom Management
Smart Classroom
Student Attention Getting Tips: The One Spot Method
Strategies for Teachers page
Best of luck in your teaching career.