I am thrilled that #sschat
is one of the top Twitter chats for educators.
When @Ron_Peck started #sschat I immediately helped him.
The chat struggled for a while but it started attracting an
unbelievable group of outstanding Social Studies teachers. I
see nothing but success in the future. As a licensed Social
Studies teacher I have never forgotten my roots even though I have
taught many subjects as well as SS for the first 20 years of my
career. I ended my teaching career serving as my
school's teacher-librarian for twelve years.
Some of my fondest memories are the interactions I had with my
students and the many years I spent writing Social Studies
I am very jealous of today's educators who have phenomenal tools
that they can now use with their students. We have come a long
way from filmstrips, 16mm films, overhead projectors, mimeograph,
ditto (rexograph) machines and chalk.
My Social
Studies Pages
Highlights of My Opening Address for the #sschat session
at #ncss2011 December 3, 2011
"Listen my children and you shall hear" about the amazing things that
happen on #sschat each and every day.
The hashtag #sschat "is of the people, by the people, and for the
people" because...
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary" to have a
place where Social Studies educators can get together to connect,
learn & share from each other and collaborate.
The beauty of Twitter is that when a teacher wants new and exciting
ways to teach a topic all they have to do is tweet it out to their
PLN (Personal Learning and Sharing Network) using the #sschat
Faster than they can say "54 40 or fight" (that's for you
Ron)"Tippecanoe & Tyler too", "Remember the Alamo", "Remember the Maine",
"Remember Pearl Harbor", and "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" they will
start getting suggestions or a page of sites - I'm guilty of that
And also get wonderful ideas from teachers of ways they successfully
taught that topic with their students. How great is that!
Over two years ago at ntcamp Meenoo Rami @mrami2 came up and asked me
about how I felt about her idea to start an English chat. I told her
that was a great idea and I would help her and get the word out. At
that time I wondered why no one was starting a chat in my license
area. Along came Ron @Ron_Peck and Greg @gregkulowiec
and I was thrilled. I immediately jumped on that bandwagon and gave
them as much help as I could. We struggled for a while but I am
amazed how well #sschat has taken off and predict a bright future
for this chat. When Meeno asked me to moderate #engchat, a while
ago, I came up with the idea to combine both #engchat and #sschat.
The two #engsschats have been great and we have to do more of them
on a regular basis.
Before I get accused of fillibustering, a popular tactic in this
city, I better stop chatting and tell you about...
An historic event that will happen on March 24, 2012 the first ever
edcamp for a subject area #edcampSS. I am saving my pennies to get
there in the city of brotherly and sisterly I suggested that the
sessions given by classroom teachers be 40 minutes to allow for time
for fun events as well. I have been after the organizers to include
exciting group actvities.
In conclusion...
Ask not what #sschat can do for you, but what you can do for #sschat
Cybrary Man - Jerry Blumengarten
SSChat is a weekly discussion for Social Studies teachers. The discussion
takes place on Monday night at 7pm EST. Each week there is a poll where anyone
can vote for the upcoming discussion topic.
I am very happy that my idea to merge #engchat with #sschat has worked out so
well for the two chats we did under the hashtag #engsschat. I feel it is
important to employ more cross curricular in your lessons.
Twitter hashtags: #apush (AP US Social Studies) #historyteacher
My History Teachers Page - blogs, websites...
#sschat Twitter Session at NCSS
