Sinnott Magnet School's Health Careers Program

and Foster Grandparent Program
Cybrary Man enjoyed being a part of this outstanding program.
THE EAST NEW YORKER "Brooklyn's Community Voice"
December 12, 1986
"Baptist Medical Center of New York, a community hospital serving both
Brooklyn and Queens is offering its facility and staff as a training
site for our community youth. Two unique programs are in full operation,
under the direction of Mrs. Rita Augugliaro, Director of Volunteer
Services and Community Relations. Sixty five Health Career Junior High
School students from I.S. #218, are programmed at BMC twice a week, with
teacher liaisons Larry Brauner, Tony Speranza and Jerry Blumengarten,
to give "hands-on" experience in Acute Care Division, Ancillary
Departments and Skilled Nursing Facility..."
Foster Grandparent
Part of our Health Careers Program was a component called the
Foster Grandparent Program. Each student at the nursing
facility was paired with a resident. The teachers also had
a Foster Grandparent. It was wonderful to see the
connections that were made. Intergenerational and
multicultural exchanges were wonderful to observe.
Hope you did not laugh too
hard at my picture (circa 1980's) - Geriatric Jerry
Our inner city middle school
had a unique Health Careers Program
For over 16 years the Sinnott Magnet School for
Health and Health Careers has been involved in a community service
and learning volunteer program. Sinnott's seventh and eighth
grade students make weekly visits to area nursing homes, day care
centers, community outreach medical centers, and hospitals where
they serve as volunteers. An integral part of the program
consists of students "adopting" a senior citizen resident at one of
the area nursing homes and visiting that person on a weekly basis.
In 1994 Sinnott was the recipient of a state and magnet grant for
the expansion of its program with the Educational Development Center
in Newton, MA and Sinnott. In 1995, the State of New York awarded
Sinnott magnet school status, along with increased funding and the
ability to enroll students from the entire city. (1997)
Classes involved went through
a lot of classroom training before they went to their assigned
In the seventh grade students
in the program worked in a day care center once a week throughout
the school year.
In the eighth grade students
split the year, once a week, visiting a nursing home or senior
center. The other half the students worked in a health center or
hospital. Depending on their interest students worked either
with health professionals or other services in the health
facilities. The students quickly realized that these health
facilities had a wide selection of different jobs. It was a
very unique experience that gave the students a good idea of the
work world.
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