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Head Start

National Head Start Association

High Scope  #highscope

Welcome to High-Scope

High Scope Curriculum

High Scope is based on Jean Piaget’s theories of learning.

Children learn best by doing. They need to choose their own task, plan it, carry it out and reflect on what they did.

PLAY is children’s WORK. They need to experiment and discover and the classroom must stimulate that play. The room should have different areas consisting of:

Arts & Crafts
Dramatic Play
Water/Sand Table
Reading/Quiet Area

The teacher chooses which areas should be open to the children each day based on what they desire or need to practice.

DAILY ROUTINE needs to involve large and small group activities:

PLAN: child establishes a goal and tells group what they plan to do and what area they will use.

DO: purpose play where child has a chance to test and carry out ideas Teacher is actively involved with child or small group, they become part of play without solving problems. They may stimulate play when necessary.

REVIEW/REFLECT: child recalls and reflects on their actions and experiences.

KEY EXPERIENCES are the major component for teacher to observe and record the accomplishments or developments of the child. Teacher is observing the child at “work” and recording language expression, coordination, problem solving, and social interaction in a non-judgmental manner. High Scope provides a list of developmental key experiences for teachers to use.

OTHER COMPONENTS of an early childhood program:

Label areas and objects in the room
Write their name & symbol on personal possessions in room
Model correct language rather than correct
Ask them to tell about art work and write their actual words
READ, READ, READ to them.
Model appropriate social behavior and manners for them
Encourage them to explore rather than answer their questions


 PreK - Early Childhood

 Child Development page

 Early Literacy page

 Parenting Links

 Reading and Literacy page
