classroom teaching for 20 years and writing curriculum I was
asked to take over the library which was in terrible need of
I first created a mission statement for the library.
The mission of
the Sinnott Magnet School Library is to encourage students to
read, share ideas, and to learn to do research.
East New York - Brooklyn - where I taught!
How I organized and ran my school
Samples of
Library Mission Statements and Goals
Elementary School Library Media Center Mobile, Alabama
Seven Hills Elementary School Library - Newark, Texas Northwest
ISD Libraries
Murray Hill Middle School - Laurel, Maryland @GwynethJones
West Middle School Library - Desoto, Texas
Flipgrid Library Tours
Back to School with GooseChase @librarian_tiff Mighty Little Librarian
"To Be” List for School Librarians | SweetSearch2Day @markemoran
& Librarians
Librarian as an Instructional Partner @DrKMattson
Why Great School Libraries Should Start in Primary Schools
@AlibraryladySchools | A Library Lady
10 Ways That EdTech Has Transformed Libraries
Infographics for Librarians...\
Library Graphics
The State of America's Libraries
My Library Orientation Program
First session was to orient students to all of the services
that the library provided, the rules and regulations of the
library and the circulation policy as well as when they could
use the library.
The second session covered how to find a book (Dewey
Decimal System) and the Reference Section.
The third session was a scavenger hunt per library table that
the children enjoyed. I also gave them a brief library quiz.
Each year I also had a Library Orientation for all of the
new teachers in the building.
The MHMS Daring School Library Media Center Orientation
Animation Video - @GwynethJones
The Prime Real Estate of a Library Address | Technology and
Collaborating With Your School Librarian | Edutopia
Cybrary Man's First Library To keep books neatly positioned I used to put the tubes pictures or posters came in behind the books.

Cybrary Man's New Library
(Just before his retirement

Mashpee Public Library - A green building
I am very proud that I helped get two funding bills passed at
Town Meeting in Mashpee to enable this great library to be
Cape Cod/Mashpee page
The media specialist today
must change with the times. I see the need to help
students, parents and staff members learn how to, do research,
evaluate information, employ reference skills and make use of
the wonderful web 2.0 tools that are available while practicing
good digital citizenship. The 21st Century will have the
Blended Librarian who is still needed face to face and is
skilled with the virtual world.
Be a "techbrarian" in your "libratory."
Are Libraries the Key to Teaching Digital Literacy? - The Tech
The Nonnegotiable Role of School Librarians
Pushing Beyond Future-Ready: Creating a Bold Context for K-12
Libraries — @djakes
3 Ways to Prepare for a Future Ready Library Now - The Tech
Who says libraries are dying? They are evolving into spaces for
innovation - The Edvocate
School Librarians: [Un]Quiet Leaders of Digital Change @OfficeofEdTech
Why School Librarians Are the Literacy Leaders We Need -
Teaching for the Whole Story - Education Week Teacher
The Transforming Role of Librarians (and Libraries)
Professional School Librarian Toolkit - LiveBinder
The Calamity of the Disappearing School Libraries
The Changing Face of Modern Libraries
importance of having a school library | United Federation of Teachers
This is how you build the library of the future | eSchool News
School Library Branding
School Library Collection Development
National Library Service
for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
and Autism We're Connected
The Library of Congress
30 Educational Web Tools for Librarians
What do TLs teach?
School-Public Library Partnerships | Association for Library
Service to Children (ALSC)
School/public library cooperative programs | Association for
Library Service to Children (ALSC)
Children's Librarian page
I used to post the names of all honor roll
students each marking quarter. I used dark magic marker so the
names were easy to read. The children loved seeing their names
posted in the library!
I also posted any awards that students earned for their
academic excellence or good citizenship, arts education
recognitions and sports achievement.
I found the library to be an excellent venue for Cooperative
Learning projects. I had classes on all grade levels and
subject areas use the library for such projects.
Cooperative Learning
Activities in the Library - from Cybraryman
Cooperative Learning page
Library and Librarian Blogs & Sites page
Evaluating Websites
"What is more important in a library than
everything else-
is the fact that it exists."
Archibald MacLeish (1892-1982), U.S. poet.
"A relevant librarian is a visible librarian"

Photographs by Cybrary Man